In March 2016 Roleystone Community Garden Incorporated received a Lotterywest grant to construct a community facility for local volunteers and members of the Roleystone Community Garden at Cross Park Roleystone. Volunteers and members of the Roleystone Community Garden thank Lotterywest for their support and generosity.
- Come and visit your local community garden!
The Roleystone Community Garden was started with the help of the Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Branch in 2011. As a result of community engagement activities seeking the Community of Roleystone's ideas for it's future needs and priorities, the Community Bank® Branch sponsored the projects to initiate the establishment of a Community Garden and a Men's Shed. With the help of local businesses, the Roleystone Community Garden has given new life to one of the buildings of the old Primary School. The co-location of the Roleystone Community Garden and the Men’s Shed will see a vibrant community facility develop to provide a wide range of activities for all members of the community.
Members do not need any experience or knowledge, just an enjoyment of gardening. We all learn from each other and have a qualified Horticulturist in the group. Our gardening is not heavy work, but it is friendly and all produce is shared. Our afternoon finishes with refreshments in the "Green Shed". There is no weekly cost. We encourage visitors and potential Members. Come along and meet us, join in and see what happens on a Sunday afternoon and then decide if you would like to become a Member. All ages are welcome. We have garden beds to rent for an annual fee. Water and top up soil is included. Renters are able to work their beds at any time.
Members do not need any experience or knowledge, just an enjoyment of gardening. We all learn from each other and have a qualified Horticulturist in the group. Our gardening is not heavy work, but it is friendly and all produce is shared. Our afternoon finishes with refreshments in the "Green Shed". There is no weekly cost. We encourage visitors and potential Members. Come along and meet us, join in and see what happens on a Sunday afternoon and then decide if you would like to become a Member. All ages are welcome. We have garden beds to rent for an annual fee. Water and top up soil is included. Renters are able to work their beds at any time.
Why don’t you become involved?